Dependable Technology Solutions
The Energy industry has to be responsive to the ever-changing needs of the global economy. The need for quick action and consistent production is the key to stability. Critical to success are solutions that reduce downtime while ensuring safety and compliance with industry standards. With years of experience working in the Energy market our specialized solutions are built through our working knowledge of the most proven cost effective solutions.
Solutions we provide
1 High Performance Network Connectivity Solutions
We provide indoor, outside plant, fiber and copper signal transmission systems capable of delivering data, voice and video at high speeds and low latency. An intelligent infrastructure enables you to manage and monitor your remote sources regardless of the distance.
2 In-Building Wireless and Distributed Antenna Systems
High-speed wireless coverage allows you to stay connected and enables communication in hard to reach parts of the refinery or building. Our Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) solve coverage gaps inside your facilities and increase the reliability of cellular coverage in areas of your facility with poor coverage.
3 Innovative Collboration Technologies
Keep your team on the same page while being miles apart. With our telepresence video conferencing and interactive smart boards, remote meetings become more effective and productive than just audio conferencing. Save time, simplify workflows and increase workforce interaction and productivity.
4 Digital Media Solutions
From digital signage to 2D/3D visualization rooms, our solutions combine high-resolution displays and network based media players to provide informative and interactive media solutions.
5 IP Paging Systems
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